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What is the Best Way to Invest Money?

Most people have got this in common. They don't invest "much time." I would like to quote Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad. "Since most people don't invest much time, they lose their money."

Robert also talks about the 90/10 rule of money. He explains that 90 percent of investors invest their money, but they don't invest much time at all. So how do you find the "best way to invest money?" Check this out. The 10 percent that make 90 percent of the money have invested more time than they have money.

Highly successful and well knows entrepreneurs Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki both follow this method, and thereby ultimately use less of their own money and more of their own returns to gain even higher returns. So why do people in general think that investing is risky? Well, first of all most investors take financial advice from so called "financial experts" who have very little financial education or experience. Here is an interesting fact. Less that 20 percent of stockbrokers do not or have not invested in the products they recommend to their clients.

Another really important thing to remember is that most people run off of hot tips. And these come from poor people, not rich people. They believe that someone else has the answer, and knows the best way to invest money. The real problem in today's society is that there is no financial education being taught in our schools, and teachers don't really have any real world financial experience or training.

So what can you do to get past this wall of confusion among the majority? Well, it's simple really. Just choose your advice with more caution. Always remember that your mind is your most important gift, so value it and use it with caution and respect. You have to do this. Let go of the thoughts and ideas that are already in your mind, flush your mind of these things! Often it's harder to get rid of these old thought patterns that creating new ones. But there is a solution - in your mind!

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